
Protect the kidneys away from smoking!

The core tips: smoking on the various organs of the body have an impact, the kidney can not escape in its claws. In the field of kidney disease authoritative magazine AJKD issued that smoking can significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular events in patients with chronic kidney disease risk and mortality, smoking can benefit.

As we all know, smoking can cause cardiovascular disease, lung disease, peptic ulcer, eclampsia, cancer and a series of complications, but the impact of smoking on renal function is almost unknown.
        In 2016, Prof. Michael Hall from the University of Mississippi published a study at JAHA that the decline in renal function in smokers was 83% higher than that of non-smokers, and the rate of decline was higher than that of non-smokers 75%; more than 20 cigarettes a day, renal function decreased 97% higher than non-smokers. Smoking is associated with a dose-dependent kidney disease, ie, the higher the risk of kidney injury, the higher the risk of kidney injury. Therefore, smokers should encourage smoking cessation, quit smoking should be as much as possible to reduce smoking.
     In addition, the field of kidney disease authoritative magazine AJKD issued that smoking can significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular events in patients with chronic kidney disease risk and mortality, smoking can benefit. The American Kidney Association, the American Kidney Week, also reported that smoking in early CKD patients may reduce the renal protective effect of the drug - the possible cause is that smoking increases the level of oxidative stress in the kidneys. Once again stressed the importance of smoking cessation.



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